Voluntary Sector Support in the Horsham District (updated 6/4/20)

Update 6/4/20

Supporting elderly and vulnerable people – Community Volunteer hubs

The community response during the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has been amazing, with hundreds of individuals, groups and organisations coming forward on the ground, and through social media, to offer support: community spirit and resilience at its best. Over 1,300 volunteers have signed up to offer their support so far.

It is clear that the most effective delivery mechanism for support lies in local neighbourhood groups responding to requests for support from their neighbours – local people helping local people.

To support these efforts across the entire district, Horsham District Council are working closely with numerous groups including the Horsham Self Isolation Support (HSIS) Facebook groups, Parish Councils, Voluntary groups, Community Partnerships and hundreds of individuals.

To talk to a member of the team about volunteering, please call 01403 215230 or email Covid-19.Support@horsham.gov.uk


Click here to find out more about the hubs and how you can get involved.



Horsham District Council has produced an electronic Coronavirus Community Support Pack which may be distributed as appropriate: www.horsham.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/82029/Coronavirus-Community-Support-Pack.pdf

Responding together

We are very aware of the increased need to support vulnerable people across our communities, and the enormous response from people wanting to help in any way they can.

Horsham District Council are putting in place ways in which we can best support communities to ensure that the most vulnerable are kept safe and well during the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. The best way to do this will be at the local level.

At first we will assist in enabling a coordinated response, and offer support wherever possible alongside existing organisations and volunteer groups; this will be a phased approach based on needs and capacity. Our focus will then shift into a more on-the-ground effort. Horsham District Council staff will be there to offer support where possible and necessary across the District in partnership with the volunteer groups.

We have also printed some template volunteer help cards, which can be used to let people know where their nearest support services are. These will need to be posted through letterboxes, so we will be looking for volunteers to do this so people have a way of contacting help if necessary.

This is a rapidly changing situation, and we are currently gathering information to help us organise and offer support.

Can you help?

Can you volunteer? Get in touch

  • If you are a volunteer or want to volunteer, please get in touch with us so that we can pass on your details at a local level
  • If you have organised or are currently running a new informal local coronavirus (COVID-19) volunteer group, please get in touch so we have the group’s details

Get in touch to volunteer here

Do you know someone who is vulnerable?

  • If you are vulnerable or know of somebody who is vulnerable please let us know
  • We will also hold information on what services and support is available in your area

Contact details

Dedicated phone number: 01403 215230

Dedicated email: Covid-19.support@horsham.gov.uk