Tag Archive for: Horsham Matters

Horsham Matters Food Bank (updated 6/4/2020)

Update 6/4/20

Horsham Matters would like to ask people to continue to donate food through the drop-off points in Horsham supermarkets. They are aware that Tesco in Broadbridge Heath and Pulborough have removed their donation boxes and they are working to address the situation.

Food donations can also be made at the Donation Centre on Blatchford Road, Monday to Friday, 9:30am – 4pm each day. Items can be left in the crates provided and a member of the Horsham Matters staff will bring them in to be sorted.

A project is also just about to be launched with small independant local shops across the District, to have donation points set up. Horsham Matters will keep us updated on its progress.

Father Russell Stagg (All Saints, Roffey) would also like to make everyone aware that he is opening the church on Tuesday Morning 7th April between 10am and 12noon for people to drop off their food bank donations. This may be of help for anyone that end of Horsham who might be out taking their daily exercise.

At the present time, there is no food in paticular that they require, but they have plenty of soup and baked beans!

Horsham Matters are also still welcoming any monetary donations to support the Foodbank and any operating costs as the loss of income from the Charity Shop is hugely detrimental. (See below in this news post for the online link to donate.)


Horsham Matters Food Bank

Our Foodbank has seen a significant reduction in food donations and as such we are reaching out to Churches and their congregations to add an item to their shopping for the foodbank. In these challenging times the most vulnerable in our community are not in a financial position to stockpile food, buying their food week to week. We want to ensure that we have a supply of food to ensure that we can support those experiencing food poverty.

Thank you everyone for your kind donations. Every item of food and every penny makes a huge difference during these challenging times.

We are extremely grateful to those of you who have kindly offered to volunteer with the foodbank. That said, in light of the latest Government advice we will now be asking all of our volunteers to stand down. We are very grateful for all of your efforts, but your safety and wellbeing are important to us. Please stay at home and stay well.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/horshammatters-appeal2020?utm_term=qArD5zK2p

Food collections

If Churches would like to donate food, we would be more than happy to collect from them. Please contact Horsham Matters, 0300 1240204 or via email: info@horsham-matters.org.uk

Horsham Matters – Staying Indoors Surprise Parcel

HORSHAM MATTERS – A Staying Indoors Surprise Parcel and Support Your Local Charity

Want to surprise someone with a doorstep delivery of some goodies to keep them entertained? Treat the family, friend or maybe a neighbour to a surprise bag which may include books, puzzles, games and DVDs. The cost of our bargain surprise bags are £10!

Give us a ring, 0300 1240204 to arrange delivery. Tell us who you would like to surprise, and we will leave our delivery on their doorstep within 48 hours of your call. You can also email us on info@horsham-matters.org.uk

Please have your bank card ready when you ring. As you can imagine we are very busy delivering food parcels at the moment, so this offer of a surprise delivery only applies to addresses in central Horsham and immediate surrounding villages.

Each children’s package contains a variety of 4 books, at least one puzzle, at least one game, 2 DVDs, an activity item and 2 toys, we can adjust for an age range up to 3, 3-6, 6- 12 and 12 and over and adult. Adults will get

2x puzzles

4 books

2 DVDs and a small game item, eg pack of cards.

All average contents for each package at least £10.00

Update for Horsham Matters 25/3/2020

Our face to face delivery of Foodbanks, Night Shelter and our Community Meal will cease until Government advice changes. Our Charity Shop is also closed for the time being.

That said, we will focus all of our efforts to continue to provide food for those most in need through a home delivery service.

We appreciate this is a challenging time for all Horsham residents, but we would ask for continued food donations as we fully expect the demand for this service to be extremely high over the forthcoming months.

Crucially, the loss of income from the closure of our shop will significantly affect our Charity’s funds and as such we will be setting up a Just Giving page for any individual or organisation who might be able to support us financially as we navigate this unprecedented situation.

Any donations however large or small will be enormously appreciated and will help us to continue current and future services to meet those who are most at need across the Horsham community.

Our thanks in advance for your support.

We wish you all good health.

For more information about Horsham Matters : click here for their website

Please help at Horsham Matters

Horsham Matters Office is under huge pressure dealing with requests for help.  Could we put out a plea to Horsham Parish – is there anyone with social work / admin experience and is not in an at risk group who could help in the office for 2 months or so – full time, part time, paid, voluntary.
Please contact Emma, the General Manager :
emma.elnaugh@horsham-matters.org.uk   0300 124 0204


Horsham Matters

Statement from Horsham Matters

Following on from yesterday’s Government and Public Health guidance we have been faced with very difficult decisions which sadly impact upon the support we are able to offer our local community.

As a Charity we have a small staff team but rely heavily on around 300 volunteers to deliver our community support services. In light of the most recent Government advice, we need to protect our volunteers and ensure that our staff can continue to provide support to clients albeit by phone an online.

Therefore, our face to face delivery of Foodbanks, Night Shelter and our Community Meal will cease until Government advice changes. Our Charity Shop is also closed for the time being.

That said, we will focus all of our efforts to continue to provide food for those most in need through a home delivery service.

We appreciate this is a challenging time for all Horsham residents, but we would ask for continued food donations as we fully expect the demand for this service to be extremely high over the forthcoming months.

Crucially, the loss of income from the closure of our shop will significantly affect our Charity’s funds and as such we will be setting up a Just Giving page for any individual or organisation who might be able to support us financially as we navigate this unprecedented situation.

Any donations however large or small will be enormously appreciated and will help us to continue current and future services to meet those who are most at need across the Horsham community.

Our thanks in advance for your support.

We wish you all good health.