Tag Archive for: clergy

Welcome to Rev’d Lisa Barnett – our new incumbent!

The Churchwardens are very pleased and delighted to welcome The Reverend Canon Lisa Barnett as the new Team Rector of the Horsham Team Ministry.

Lisa joins us from Scaynes Hill where she was the Vicar of St. Augustine’s Church.
She was licensed in St. Mary’s Church on Thursday 6th February.

To find out a little more about Lisa, please click here: Revd Lisa Barnett 2019 biography.

Here is a photo from the licensing service held on 6th Feb:

Rev’d Canon Lisa Barnett is Appointed Team Rector, Horsham Team Ministry

The Churchwardens are very pleased and delighted to announce the appointment of The Reverend Canon Lisa Barnett to be the new Team Rector of the Horsham Team Ministry.

Lisa joins us from Scaynes Hill where she is currently the Vicar of St. Augustine’s Church.  She will be licensed in St. Mary’s Church on Thursday 6th February at 7.30pm.

To find out a little more about Lisa, please click here: Revd Lisa Barnett 2019 biography

Horsham Team Ministry is advertising for our new Vicar

Welcome to Horsham!

Find out what we have to offer a new Vicar and the sort of person we are looking for here: Horsham Parish Profile.

When are we getting a new Vicar? – update June 2019

Latest news – 

Following our recent PCC meeting we will very soon be advertising for our new Vicar. 

In the meantime, here is our Parish Profile: Horsham Parish Profile

More details will follow very shortly.


Following the Horsham Parish review, and the decision for St. John’s Church in Broadbridge Heath to become a separate Parish, we are now looking to move forward with the appointment process for a new Vicar for St. Mary’s.  It is still early days, but progress is starting to be made.

Over the coming month we will be finalizing our Parish Profile and awaiting a decision from the Bishop that we can go ahead and start the formal appointment process.

Watch this space!

When are we getting a new Vicar?

As many people have been asking us, “when will we be getting a new vicar?”, we thought that we must let you know what is happening behind the scenes.

Bishop Martin has asked for a Parish Review to take place.  This will be conducted by Archdeacon Fiona and will happen in February and March 2019.

The Parish review is expected to look at the current set up of the Team Parish of Horsham which is currently made up of four churches: St. Leonard’s, Holy Trinity, St. John’s and St. Mary’s.

Any suggested changes from the review would then be considered by our parish Parochial Church Council before recommending a way forward. Currently our four churches work together and support each other in many different ways and we are blessed by our close working partnership. As far as we are aware there is no desire from any of the Churches in the team to break away.  We have been told that a Parish Review is standard practice in the Diocese when a vacancy like ours arises.

As to our new vicar, well no appointment process can really be started until the Parish review is concluded.  For the time being we are pleased to welcome Bernard Sinton who the Bishop has appointed as Interim Rector.

We will continue to let you know what is happening as and when we know.

Your Churchwardens

Nigel, Steve, Liz and Morag

During the current interregnum at St Mary’s, Bishop Martin has asked Revd Bernard Sinton to act as Interim Rector during the vacancy. Bernard has worked in the Parish since 1990 and was our first SSM (Self Supporting Minister).  He is based at Holy Trinity Church.  Since retiring from a full time secular job, he has acted as Interim Minister during vacancies in Warnham, West Grinstead and Partridge Green and has just finished at Sullington and Thakeham with Warminghurst.  Bernard’s wife is the vicar of Shipley.  Bernard can be contacted via the St Mary’s church office or via our contact form: Contact Us.

Farewell to Guy and Jebs Bridgewater

Sunday 28th October 2018: We pray for God’s blessing on Guy and Jebs Bridgewater as they leave us to start their new lives at Bath Abbey
Guy and Jebs: We lay our hands on you and pray in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. May you take with you the thanks and the prayers of the people in Horsham for your ministry here among us.

We thank you, Lord, for their wisdom and humility, for their thoughtfulness of others, for their dignity in worship and their faithfulness to the gospel. As they leave us: may they leave behind any regrets they have, any business left unfinished, any anxieties that properly belong to us. May they take with them the lessons they have learned here, and the love of the people they have served. And for the future Lord, grant them wisdom, grant them courage, grant them a strong faith in your good will and your purposes for them, O God, most high, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Guy and Jebs: Now by God’s Holy anointing and by God’s great love for you, may Almighty God in His great power guard and protect you. May the Holy Spirit rest upon you to give you comfort and strength in time of need and guidance in the fulfillment of God’s will. And may the Lord who saved you, bless your going out, and your coming in, from this time forth, and for ever. Amen.