Tag Archive for: Advent

Reverse Advent Calendar

St. Mary’s Growing As Disciples team invited all the church family to participate in a Reverse Advent Calendar throughout Advent 2019.

Rather than opening a window to take something (like a piece of chocolate) each day, a Reverse Advent Calendar encourages giving something each day, reminds us to say thank you to God for all we have each day and helps people in our community who need it.

We had chosen Horsham District Foodbank to support, we designed an A3 Nativity picture with prayer stickers for each day and suggested a daily prayer of thankfulness for each day as well as suggested items to donate. The office team produced many ‘reverse calendar packs’ ready to collect from church at the end of November.


Over 50 generously filled boxes were received back in church at Epiphany along with many comments about how engaging the task had been. Volunteers from the Horsham District Foodbank kindly came to collect the donations, which would be sorted in the warehouse and distributed to families within days.


A huge thanks to all those who took part! Please let us know if you would like to do something similar next year.

Growing as disciples team , Jan 2020