“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)
How to give to St Mary’s Church
1. Regular monthly giving
The most convenient way to give is by a regular monthly payment which you can set up via your online banking. Please contact Jean Mitchell (stewardship@horshamstmarys.org.uk) for our bank account details. If you are a UK taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form or ask her to send you one, so that we can reclaim an additional 25% on your gift.
You can use this Donation and Standing Order Form with your bank/building society. Once completed, the form can be sent confidentially to our Stewardship Officer, Jean Mitchell or dropped at the Church Office mailbox at the address below. She will record the details and send the form to your bank. She will need the original with your signature.
Stewardship Officer, Church Centre, Causeway Horsham, RH 12 1HE
Please also complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form if you wish us to claim gift aid on your donation and send with your completed standing order form as above.
2. Donate Online
You can also make a single donation via credit or debit card online. This will process your payment via this secure ChurchSuite Donate link and we will be able to reclaim the Gift-Aid if you are a taxpayer and tick the Gift Aid box at the time you donate. Please note, there is a fee attached to this type of giving (2.2% plus 20p), which will be deducted from any donation made.
3. In Church
You also can give at any of our services by putting money in the box or plate at the back of Church or using touch card donation machine at the back of church. If you want to add Gift Aid, please put the money in a giving envelope and complete the details.
4. Leaving a Legacy
Not everyone can afford to support the costs of running the Church when they have commitments for raising a family or providing for retirement, but one valuable way we can all support the ministry of our Church into the future is by leaving a legacy in our Wills. Details of how you can do this can be found in the following leaflet: Leaving a Legacy.
5. Gift of Shares
If you have stocks and shares in an investment account, you can donate these for the benefit of St Mary’s and avoid any capital gains tax that may arise as well as qualifying for full tax relief on the value of the gift. This is a very tax effective way of giving. Please note that investments held in ISA’s or Pension Accounts are not eligible for gifting. If you would like to find out how to do this, please contact the Church Treasurer (treasurer@horshamstmarys.org.uk).
6. Easyfundraising
Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into donations for St Mary’s, at no cost to you. Just visit your favourite retailers through the easyfundraising website and the shop as normal. Once you’ve made a purchase our retailers will then make a small donation to us.