Contact Directory
Here is a list of current contacts for various areas of church life.
Organisation or subject | Contact Name | Telephone |
Almshouses | Steve Benson | c/o 01403 253762 |
Alpha Courses | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Baptisms | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Bell Ringing | Val Burgess | c/o 01403 253762 |
Bereavement Visiting | Morag Davies | 07974 679399 |
Bookstall | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Buildings & Maintenance | Nigel Stalley | c/o 01403 253762 |
Car Park Hire | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Catering Team | Val Burgess | c/o 01403 253762 |
Children’s Ministry | Linda Baker | c/o 01403 253762 or |
Choir | Valerie Lintott / Jeremy Weaver | 01403 253762 |
Christenings | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Church Bookings | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Churchwardens | Cath Hatton, Morag Davies and Peter Fruin | 01403 253762 or email |
Church Welcomers | Katherine Potter | 01403 253762 |
Confirmation | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Coffee Morning | Delysia Hill | 01403 253762 |
Counselling (Pastoral Care/Visiting and referrals) | Morag Davies | 07974 679399 |
Daily Services | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Electoral Roll | TBC | c/o 01403 253762 |
Flower Arranging Team | Val Burgess or Carol Stalley | c/o 01403 253762 |
Funerals | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Giving Schemes | Stewardship Officer – Jean Mitchell | c/o 01403 253762 or email |
Hall Bookings | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Home Communions | Morag Davies | 07974 679399 |
Home Groups | Linda Emery | 01403 253762 |
Little Footprints | Linda Baker | c/o 01403 253762 |
Marriage Courses | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Missionary Support | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Mothers’ Union | Karen Ind | 01403 255600 |
Noticeboards | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
St Mary’s Pre-School (previously known as St Mary’s Nursery) | Lai Brooking or Karen Inglis- Taylor | 01403 250223 or 01403 253762 |
Pastoral Visiting Team | Morag Davies | 07974 679399 |
PCC | Nigel Stalley | c/o 01403 253762 |
Pew News | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Prayer Chain | Morag Davies or Church Office | 07974 679399 or 01403 253762 |
Prayer Ministry Team | Morag Davies | 07974 679399 |
Safeguarding | Jude Wolstenholme | c/o 01403 253762 |
Server Team | Chris Button | c/o 01403 253762 |
Service Recordings | Church Office or Steve Benson | 01403 253762 |
Service Rotas | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Sidespeople Team | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Social Events Team | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Stewardship | Stewardship Officer – Jean Mitchell | c/o 01403 253762 |
Sunday Lunch | Denise and Richard Herrington | c/o 01403 253762 |
TGI Friday | Lee Buck | 01403 253762 |
Treasurer (PCC) | Greg Andrews | 01403 253762 |
Treasurer (St Mary’s) | Lindsay Dart | 01403 253762 |
Verger Team | Church Office | 01403 253762 |
Weddings | Church Office | 01403 253762 or email: weddings@horshamstmarys,org,uk |
Youth Ministry | Lee Buck | 01403 253762 |