Church Re-Opens for Private Prayer

We are very pleased to be able to share the good news that as of Wednesday 17th June, our church building will be open daily from 10am-4pm for private prayer. We rejoice at this new opportunity to pray in St. Mary’s once again, but please note that this does not yet mean that our Sunday or midweek services in the church will be resuming. Weekly Sunday and midweek services will continue to be available to watch and participate in via our website and Facebook page.

Any visitors to the church will have to abide by careful social distancing rules, and the number of people that will be allowed in the building at any one time is limited to ensure we can keep it as safe as possible for everyone. This may mean that there will be a need to wait before being able to enter the church if there are already the maximum number of people inside.

We have a wonderful team of church welcomers that have been specially trained to support and assist those visiting the church at this time. We thank them for their valuable contribution in allowing St. Mary’s to reopen safely for everyone.

We look forward to welcoming you.

(With regret, please note that it will not be possible to buy preserves or cakes from the back of the church at this time.)