Church Re-Opens for Private Prayer

We are very pleased to be able to share the good news that as of Wednesday 17th June, our church building will be open daily from 10am-4pm for private prayer. We rejoice at this new opportunity to pray in St. Mary’s once again, but please note that this does not yet mean that our Sunday […]

Please Donate Food for Family Support Work (FSW)

Family Support Work (FSW) help families in Sussex to overcome their difficulties and prevent crisis by supporting families struggling with issues such as poverty, ill health, learning difficulties, bereavement, family break-up and domestic abuse. Due to lockdown, food supplies at their foodbank in Brighton has become less and demand by their families has grown. FSW […]

Vocation Sermon Series – June 2020

Prior to lockdown, having begun to work as a ministry team of clergy and readers across our 3 churches of St Mary’s, St Leonard’s and Holy Trinity, we had decided to begin a joint sermon series after Easter, using the theme of vocation. Though the circumstances are not as we had imagined, we have nonetheless […]