Entries by Parish Administrator

Please help at Horsham Matters

Horsham Matters Office is under huge pressure dealing with requests for help.  Could we put out a plea to Horsham Parish – is there anyone with social work / admin experience and is not in an at risk group who could help in the office for 2 months or so – full time, part time, […]

Horsham Matters

Statement from Horsham Matters Following on from yesterday’s Government and Public Health guidance we have been faced with very difficult decisions which sadly impact upon the support we are able to offer our local community. As a Charity we have a small staff team but rely heavily on around 300 volunteers to deliver our community […]

Job Vacancy – Part Time Office Administrator/Job Share

Part Time Hours/Job share We are seeking two part time Office Administrators to join the Office Support Team working in the Parish Office located in the Church Centre, The Causeway, Horsham. Duties will include the full range of office administration activities including face to face interaction with callers, dealing with telephone and email enquiries and […]

Welcome to Rev’d Lisa Barnett – our new incumbent!

The Churchwardens are very pleased and delighted to welcome The Reverend Canon Lisa Barnett as the new Team Rector of the Horsham Team Ministry. Lisa joins us from Scaynes Hill where she was the Vicar of St. Augustine’s Church. She was licensed in St. Mary’s Church on Thursday 6th February. To find out a little more […]

Reverse Advent Calendar

St. Mary’s Growing As Disciples team invited all the church family to participate in a Reverse Advent Calendar throughout Advent 2019. Rather than opening a window to take something (like a piece of chocolate) each day, a Reverse Advent Calendar encourages giving something each day, reminds us to say thank you to God for all we […]

When are we getting a new Vicar? – update June 2019

Latest news –  Following our recent PCC meeting we will very soon be advertising for our new Vicar.  In the meantime, here is our Parish Profile: Horsham Parish Profile More details will follow very shortly.   Following the Horsham Parish review, and the decision for St. John’s Church in Broadbridge Heath to become a separate Parish, […]