Different Ways to Get Involved at St Mary’s
Christian Stewardship calls us to offer our time and talents for the work of the church locally. There are a wide range of ways in which you can get involved identified below and you are invited to consider prayerfully what you can offer to and through the ministry at St. Mary’s.
A snapshot of some of the jobs requiring volunteers at St. Mary’s include:
Fundraising Team
What is required: To join our teams fundraising for conservation & renewal of our Church & Church Centre buildings – making them both sound and better equipped for our 21st century mission. Helping apply to grant-making bodies, coordinate appeals, and communicate with our own congregation & the wider public.
Frequency: As required
For more information: the Churchwardens via the Church Office – 01403 253762
Creche – 10am service
What is required: Helpers to set out toys, welcome parents & children, play with children aged 0-3 in the side chapel during the 10am service until Communion, and clear away.
Frequency: Helpers are on duty approximately twice per term depending upon numbers
For more information: Church Office – 01403 253762
Baptism visitors
What is required: Ambassadors for St. Mary’s to visit prospective baptism families in their home (one visit) to get to know them & explain more about Baptism (& St. Mary’s for young families), accompany them to a Kairos service, & attend the Baptism. Training to be given.
Frequency: c. 3 times a year
For more information: the Vicar – vicar@horshamstmarys.org.uk
Coffee servers – 10am service
What is required: Helpers to arrive c.9:30am, set everything up and brew flasks of coffee. Skip the final hymn to put tea in pot etc, then serve coffee, chat and finally clear up
Frequency: Once every 6 weeks
For more information: Pam Dexter – via the Church Office – 01403 253762
Sidesmen for 8:00 and/or evening services
What is required: People to welcome and assist worshippers to church, hand out books, count communicants, take the collection, collect up books and tidy pews etc.
Frequency: on duty once every 3 weeks
For more information: Church Office – 01403 253762
Midweek Church Welcomers
What is required: People to sit in church, welcome visitors and communicate with them as required
Frequency: regular basis arranged to suit you – e.g. 1 hour/week
For more information: Church Office – 01403 253762
Social events organisers
What is required: People to join the hands-on & creative Hospitality Team in planning, facilitating and catering for social events for all ages. Enthusiasm, ideas & practical skills very welcome.
Frequency: Termly planning meetings, and social events during the year
For more information: Church Office – 01403 253762
Choir members
What is required: Men, women and children to sing in the choir. Must be able to sing in tune but do not need to be budding solo artistes!
Frequency: Need to attend choir practice on Wednesday nights (7:00 – 8:10pm for children; 7:30 – 9:00pm for adults) and commit to at least 1 service on Sundays when not away
For more information: Valerie Lintott or Jeremy Weaver – via the Church Office – 01403 253762
Flower Arrangers
What is required: Helpers to check and rearrange flowers at weekends and tidy up where necessary. Particular flower arranging skills are not required – just a love of flowers
Frequency: About 3 or 4 times a year at the weekend, plus additional help for festivals
For more information via the Church Office – 01403 253762
TGI Fridays Helpers
What is required: Adult helpers for Friday night youth club for 11 – 18 year old’s. Build relationships, supervise games such as table tennis, football & operate tuck shop. Occasional: Trips out to trampoline parks, climbing, ice skating etc.
Frequency: Part of a rota – at least once per month but preferably twice. Friday nights from 6:45 – 9:15.
For more information: Lee Buck via the Church Office – 01403 253762
Youth Ministry
What is required: Adults to help work and share faith with young people (particularly ages 11+) at St Mary’s. A range of roles are required from teaching/supervising on Sunday mornings with The Core to one off events and weekends/weeks away with Parish groups.
Frequency: Part of rota for Sunday mornings 9.30 to 11.00 am; Monthly Sunday evenings 7.30 to 9.30 pm; One off weekends/weeks in School holidays.
For more information: Lee Buck via the Church Office – 01403 253762
Children’s ministry
What is required: Adults to work with our Family & Children’s Worker to help staff and run our various groups and events for children. Frequency: As required on a rota basis
For more information: Linda Baker (email: families@horshamstmarys.org.uk)
Little Footprints
What is required: Help to set up, clear away and host this Parish parent/toddler group.
Frequency: As needed on Friday morning
For more information: Church Office – 01403 253762
What is required: People of any age to ring church bells; either those with previous ringing experience or complete beginners.
Frequency: Practice on Tuesdays (7.30 – 9.15pm) and Sunday service ringing at 9.15 – 10am and 6:00 – 6.30pm
For more information: Val Burgess- via the Church Office – 01403 253762
What is required: People of any age to help with the preparation of the communion vessels etc. and to help serve at the altar. Full training will be given.
Frequency: As available mainly for 9.30am service
For more information: Chris Button – via the Church Office – 01403 253762
What is required: People of any age to help with cleaning the Church
Frequency: As available mainly on Friday mornings, but at any time to suit
For more information: Church Office – 01403 253762
What is required: People of any age to help with painting and decorating
Frequency: As available for various projects
For more information: Nigel Stalley via the Church Office – 01403 253762
Cooking and Catering
What is required: Preparation and delivery of a meal in case of illness or bereavement and/or help with catering for social function and/or Sunday Lunch Club
Frequency: As needed – Sunday lunches are held on the third Sunday of each month.
For more information via the Church Office – 01403 253762
Verger Team
What is required: To help with the hosting and smooth running of services.
Frequency: As required on a rota basis
For more information: Church Office – 01403 372499
Please note:
Admission to some of these ministries is under the authority of the Vicar and Churchwardens. Please note that, in line with our Parish and Diocesan
Safeguarding policy, certain voluntary roles require a DBS check, to be coordinated by St. Mary’s Safeguarding Officer.