Facilities for children at St. Mary’s
Children with additional needs
We want to do all we can to be a welcoming community to all, including children and adults with additional needs. Please contact us through the church office if you would appreciate asking about particular support. Fidget bags are available for any children who would appreciate some extra support during a service – please ask the sidespeople if you’d like one and then return it at the end of the service so it is there for you next time.
The church has a small kitchen with microwave, sink and kettle which can be used for warming bottles, snacks etc. It can be found in the modern extension to the church through the door in the far south-west corner of the church, up the stairs and it’s the door to your left. Two highchairs are available. They can normally be found in the Leslie Room or in the meeting room on the second floor of the modern extension.
Baby-change and toilets
There are three toilets located in the far south-west corner of the church. Go through the far door into the modern extension, and the second door on the right has a toilet with baby changing facilities.
First aid
There is a first aid kit available in the Church and also the Barn, Church Centre.
Disabled access
All are welcome at St Mary’s. For ease of access, ramps have been installed at the main entrance ie the North Door and in the north aisle. There is a disabled toilet located in the far south-west corner of the church (go through the far door into the modern extension and it is the second door on the right) and a stair-lift allows access to the Leslie Room.
For hearing and sight impaired
The church has a “loop” system for the hard of hearing and large print news sheets are available (please ask the sidesperson for one).