Kick start your Summer – SleepOut!

Raise money, save lives! In aid of Turning Tides.

Involve your family and friends and be a ‘Home Hero’ for Turning Tides by taking part in your very own summer time adventure!

This August brings you the fantastic ‘Big Summer SleepOut’ to raise money in aid of Turning Tides who support local homeless men and women across West Sussex. It is open to everyone and completely free to join in and you choose your location!

Give up your bed for one night on Saturday 8 August and choose an alternative location to sleep – in your garden under the stars, in a specially built den, in the loft or in the bath! It doesn’t matter as long as it’s safe and meets current Government COVID Guidelines. By sleeping out somewhere new you will help to raise awareness and raise money for homeless men and women who really need support.

Rope in as many friends and family as you can – get your street involved and plan your own activities and entertainment – and have your own safe, socially distanced SleepOut that will make a massive social difference.

There is a best dressed den competition and an online activity programme packed with fun and entertainment. To make it easy we can send you a Fundraising Support pack to help you get the most out of your SleepOut.

For most of us, our bed is a safe and warm place. However, many people in our community do not have a bed of their own; they might be sleeping rough, living in unsuitable accommodation, living in their car or sofa surfing. This takes an extreme toll on a person, both physically and mentally. Homeless men and women die on average 30 years sooner than the general population.

Join in and take a stand against homelessness

Just £85 raised, pays for a full day of emergency support for homeless men and women. If 100 families, groups or individuals raise £85 this will pay for 100 days of emergency support – so we are really hoping people will feel moved to join in and we are thrilled to have Compass Bus supporting this event too!