Please Donate Food for Family Support Work (FSW)

Family Support Work (FSW) help families in Sussex to overcome their difficulties and prevent crisis by supporting families struggling with issues such as poverty, ill health, learning difficulties, bereavement, family break-up and domestic abuse.

Due to lockdown, food supplies at their foodbank in Brighton has become less and demand by their families has grown. FSW has experienced a serious shortfall and in response, the Mothers’ Union in the diocese has been coordinating collection points and deliveries to help make sure that families in need are not going hungry.

Over recent weeks an extra-ordinary amount of food has very kindly been donated by our community in Horsham and this has been collected and taken down to Brighton each Friday in order to be distributed to those in need. THANK YOU SO MUCH to all those who have contributed to this cause, it really has made a huge difference.

It’s not too late to make a contribution if you feel able to help at this time. The FSW are still in particular need of tinned meat goods, such as pies, curry, chilli, hot dog sausages and meatballs.

Please contact the Parish Office on 01403 253762 or for details of the collection points in Horsham, or if you are self-isolating and would like to arrange for your donation to be picked-up.

Many thanks again for all your kindness, help and support.