Vocation Sermon Series – June 2020

Prior to lockdown, having begun to work as a ministry team of clergy and readers across our 3 churches of St Mary’s, St Leonard’s and Holy Trinity, we had decided to begin a joint sermon series after Easter, using the theme of vocation. Though the circumstances are not as we had imagined, we have nonetheless decided to embark on the series from the beginning of June.

A vocation is about making a contribution to something beyond ourselves; making a difference, playing our part, giving of who we are and of what we have, for something that matters. Though a vocation may involve sacrifice and challenge, it will also bring great joy.

Churches over the years have often used vocational language to refer to clergy. We talk about priests as ‘having a vocation’, with the implication that the rest of us don’t! But the Bible is clear that every one of us has a vocation, and that this may take many different forms at different times in our lives.

Our Sunday morning services throughout June will be available on our respective Church websites, but there will be an opportunity to then discuss the sermon themes on an online ‘Zoom’ meeting at 6pm each Sunday evening. If you would like to find out more about this and to get the details to join the discussion, please contact the Parish Office on 01403 253762 / office@horshamstmarys.org.uk